Electronic Materials & Manufacturing Technology Consulting

We assist automotive suppliers and manufacturers to ensure sustainability.

SF Rak Company provides advanced materials and manufacturing technology consulting services to the automotive electronics industry. We assist suppliers and manufacturers to navigate the complexities of automotive electronics requirements when deciding what electronic materials (EM) to select or develop for their designs, manufacturing processes, or customers’ requirements.

EM in our scope include, printed circuit boards, soldering & interconnect materials, and liquid dispensable materials, e.g., thermal interface, conformal coatings, sealants, adhesives, encapsulants, and underfills.

We guide clients with the selection of compatible materials early in the product life cycle thus reducing development cycle time and costs.

Stanton F Rak has 29-years of Tier-1 experience at Motorola Automotive and Continental Automotive with qualifying and releasing EM into manufacturing for automotive products including electronic controls, multimedia, and safety applications. His global standardization and strategic projects resulted in streamlined operations, improved quality, reduced costs, and environmental compliance. Stanton has a deep knowledge of industry standards and OEM expectations.